Hustle Heart

Can You Really Make a Bad Decision? Let’s Debunk Your Fear of Failure! (Ep 7)

June 22, 2024 Alexandra Filipe Episode 7
Decision-making can be such a scary thing because it often comes with doubt, fear of the future, and definitely fear of failure.

Let’s entertain this idea: when we’re making a decision, regardless of the type, we picture all potential scenarios, ask for guidance from friends or a higher power, and approach the decision without fully knowing the outcome—maybe even at the last minute after much thought. Do you see the common ground here?

In this episode of Hustle Heart, Alex talks about the pressure of making the right decisions and its connection with fear. She dives into the importance of letting go of the need for perfection and embracing the messiness of life. Because, if you think about it, can you really make wrong decisions?

Alex encourages us to trust our inner compass and start making decisions from a place of inner knowing and excitement. She also highlights the power of learning from our failures by sharing a little teaser of her first business and how it “failed.”

In this episode:

  • Let go of the pressure of perfection and embrace the messiness of life.
  • Trust yourself and make decisions from a place of inner knowing and excitement.
  • Failures are opportunities for learning and growth.
  • Focus on what you want and allow life to be messy.
The question I leave you with today is one I ask myself: Do you really want to keep making your decisions based on fear, or are you ready to fully trust your gut?

Cinthya Creativa, Alex’s Podcast Manager.

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